News and Updates

Apr 2024 Newsletter.pdf

Hunting Pictures

The Girl's Pheasant Hunt

Tony Heilman - Pictures of my first Veteran hunt. Ducks in the morning and pheasants in the afternoon. 

Got our limit on pheasants and almost on ducks... I got 2 mallards and a Canadian goose.

Char Harr

Harry Goeden

Some familiar faces

Eli Dancsisin bags his first goose

The Goeden Clan

National Awards & Grants Received at National Convention

National Awards Received at National Convention 

The Sioux Falls Chapter of the Izaak Walton League of America received several National and Chapter Awards that were presented at the National Convention.  These awards and plaques were presented at the trap banquet on August 30.

IWLA Endowment Grants 

The Sioux Falls Chapter of the Izaak Walton League of America received two grants from the IWLA Endowment.  The club was awarded $1400 for the Bob Marshall Conservation camp and $1000 for water testing supplies.

National Shooting Sports Award

Harrisburg Tiger Trap Team

National Conservation Award

John Wheeler

National Best Chapter Newsletter Award

National Best Chapter Website Award

Judge John W. Tobin Volunteer Appreciation Award

Mike Albers

100% Retention Membership Recognition Award 

Defender’s Chapter Achievement Award

IWLA Endowment Grants

Members Receive Recognition

Izaak Walton members recently received recognition from the South Dakota Wildlife Federal at their annual convention.  Jeff Clow received the Water Award, Phil Langner received the Forest Award and Emmett Keyser, retired Regional Supervisor, Wildlife Division, SD Games Fish and Parks received the communicator award.

Club Informational Presentation and Volunteer Sign Up

Izaak Walton Updates and Opportunities 20222023.pdf
Izaak Walton Volunteer Form.pdf

Memorial Rock

A memorial rock was placed outside the clubhouse to honor the Harr family.  Jack, Jerry and Dick were IWLA members who were dedicated to the club and participated in activities at the club, including trap shooting.   Honoring their memories are their wives - Lauverne (Jerry) Harr, Donna (Jack) Harr, Rae (Dick) Harr.

Clean Up and Landscaping Projects

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